Monday 9 July 2012

Tips for English Oral Examinations

Invigilating Oral Exams today

There are several things that I think students taking oral exam should consider and take note of. I would be impressed if they had done it. Apparently, it's not as easy to exercise as I thought it would be.

1. Be polite, Nobody likes students that are rude. Especially when coming into the room and immediately announcing that they don't speak English. Year 8 and still don't speak English? Not likely.
2. Wear proper uniform, I had a student kicked out for wearing sports attire instead of a proper uniform, Of course I asked him to come again but at least tomorrow, he will come with a proper uniform.
3. Speak clearly, If you are not confident in speaking in English, Fake it till you make it! Better than lowering you voice and hoping that we wouldn't be able to hear it. By the way, rule of thumb, If a teacher cannot hear you, they cannot give you marks, if a teacher hears you mispronounce a word, for me, I'll just assume it's just a slip of the tongue and ignore them.
4. Thank us, be polite, good manners will get you far. Teachers are humans too and we crave being recognised as human beings as well.
5. Did I mention being polite?

Tips for English Oral Examinations

Picture description tips,

I know that students are nervous and everything, but here's a few commonly used phrases that can be used to help you to get started

 - I can see in the picture...(describe anything that you see in the picture).  A sock, a pair of trousers, a cat whatever, just don't wait for the teacher to prompt you.

- I think...(very powerful phrase). You can practically say anything after this, it's your opinion, "I think that an alien robot is attacking the sock; I think the cat is eating a banana; I think it is a market on Planet Pluto." Point is, it is your opinion even if it's wrong, we don't particularly care about it. We are looking at how you convey your opinion.

- It looks like.... Another opinion based phrase. Whatever comes out after that will not really matter.